How can employers support menopause at work?

Menopause at Work

In response to news that MPs were pushing for clearer menopause policies in the UK, Sky News called on Ann at PositivePause to give an insight into the experiences of those going through menopause at work and how employers could help.

Menopause Workplace Statistics

The discussion referenced results from a survey by Newson Health Menopause and Wellbeing Centre which reported that:

  • 94% of women said their symptoms had negatively impacted them at work

  • 53% of colleagues noticed a deterioration in their work as a result of the menopause

  • 76% of women said they received no menopause-related support at work

These statistics make so much sense when one considers all of the various symptoms that can affect menopausal women in the workplace.

Many women going into menopause report that they experience anxiety, lower self-esteem, brain fog, and poorer concentration.

These can have a significant psychological impact on working women which damages their confidence and ability to work well.

Menopause Work Policy - How can employers help?

The total lack of any menopause workplace policy in so many UK offices is a major problem that needs to be addressed with proper care and attention.

Most businesses will have some form of maternity policy despite the fact that not everyone will have a child. Unfortunately, one cannot say the same for menopause work policies even though it is something that will affect every woman.

Human Resources departments within businesses need to understand the potentially debilitating symptoms that women go through and need to be able to offer their support when needed.

The severity and duration of menopause is something that follows harder parameters to track than maternity because it differs so wildly between different women. Although this makes it a potentially harder problem for HR to think about, it can be helped by increased openness from menopausal employees and their coworkers.

A menopause work policy should also involve open discussion to raise awareness and make it feel like something that everyone can talk about. Beyond allowing women to speak more freely about how they feel to their line managers and coworkers, men also need to be able to feel confident talking about menopause to be able to help their female colleagues when required.

Education & training play a huge role in ensuring employees feel confident about raising the impact of menopause symptoms, the choices at hand to help them manage their menopause and how to access menopause support in the workplace.

Read our How Your Organisation Can Support Menopause in the Workplace?

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Menopause in the workplace: The Complete Guide


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