Can eating certain foods help menopause vaginal dryness?

Can eating certain foods help menopause vaginal dryness

So what you put in your mouth can benefit your menopausal vagina? Clearly food alone isn’t going to sort out vaginal dryness during menopause, but most foods recommended for perimenopause and beyond have benefits across the board as well as helping to address hormone imbalance.

Diet and nutrition advice for menopause vaginal pain and dryness:

  • Eat foods containing isoflavines (phytoestrogens) to boost your body’s oestrogen production. Eat more: soya products, soybeans, soy milk, soy yoghurt, miso soup. Also found in lower quantities in apples, cherries, peas, pulses, beans and multi-grain bread.

  • Eat foods containing lignans (phytoestrogens) found in milled linseeds, whole grains, fruit, vegetables and legumes.

  • Menopausal atrophy and Omega-3. Increasing your intake by eating more: oily fish; salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardine, halibut, or herring (remember the SMASH acronym for which fish to choose).

Herbal remedies to help vaginal dryness

You may wish to avoid medical treatments as a personal choice and therefore herbal remedies to treat menopausal vaginal atrophy might be an option to explore.

  • Ginseng is a phytoestrogenic herb that mimics the role of oestrogen, it may help with dryness and boost your energy.

Are there supplements that help with vaginal dryness?

  • Sea Buckthorn Oil (containing Omega 3, 6 & 7) Buckthorn is a sea moss taken orally in capsules, or as a powder to add to smoothies, may increase vaginal PH and moisture.

  • Does sage work for menopause atrophy? Sage is a natural hormone-mimicking supplement, thought to be a mild phytoestrogen.

Natural products may impact other medications. Talk to your doctor about how safe these products will be for you if you have any existing health conditions.

Does drinking water help with vaginal dryness?

The short answer is yes! Being dehydrated leads to discomfort, and not drinking enough water will contribute to your menopausal vaginal dryness, itching and pain. About 6-8 glasses is recommended, but this will depend on your age, level of activity, build, and environmental temperature.

Can drinking herbal tea help vaginal dryness in menopause?

Herbal teas can count towards your water consumption. There are hydration apps that can help you keep track of what you drink if menopausal brain fog makes you forgetful!


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Can changes in lifestyle improve menopause vaginal dryness?