Feeing Bloated

Feeling Bloated

Menopause bloating can be miserable, you know the feeling? Your belly’s tight and bloated. You’re inflated like a balloon; time to undo that button or zip! Ah, that’s better. During perimenopause cramps and bloating are common and uncomfortable allies.

These symptoms can be extra troublesome when you have to face them in the office. Read more about how to approach menopause symptoms at work to gain confidence to seek the support you deserve.

What causes menopause bloating?

It’s a common perimenopause problem you can blame on your fluctuating hormones. Changing oestrogen levels mean our bodies tend to store more water, making us feel bloated and uncomfortable, and the amount of bile we make also alters, menopause acid reflux is a common complaint for many women which can affect how we digest fat causing more wind, bloating, and constipation.

Progesterone has a diuretic effect, too, and falling levels mean we wee less when we go to the loo. Finally, hormone-related weight gain, generally around our middle, can increase that bloated feeling. 

Types of natural treatments for menopause bloating


What natural remedies help menopause bloating?

Probiotic supplements contain gut-friendly bacteria. Some have a single strain of bacteria while others contain multiple strains, hard for some to tolerate. You may need to experiment with various brands until you find the correct balance for you.

  • Agnus castus is meant to be helpful for perimenopause period pains and bloating. Take it as a tincture.

  • Evening primrose oil* is thought to balance hormones and may help with bloating.

  • Vitamin B6* may act as a diuretic, a popular recommendation for bloating. Essential to follow dosage instructions.

*Natural products may impact other medications, please check with your GP if you are taking any medication.

Alternative natural therapies to treat bloating in menopause

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)

In TCM, it’s thought oestrogen and progesterone are regulated and controlled by the kidneys. The kidneys also regulate the sodium and water balance, which can cause bloating. Discuss your symptoms with an accredited practitioner, find a local one on the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine website.

Medical treatment for menopause bloating

Medical treatment for menopause bloating

If diet and lifestyle changes don’t help with menopausal bloating, or it persists for more than two weeks, you should visit your doctor to rule out underlying health issues such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), acid reflux, ulcers, colitis, pancreatic insufficiency, coeliac disease, Crohn’s disease or ovarian cancer.

Does HRT help menopause stomach bloating?

HRT may cause bloating as fluid retention can be exacerbated. Talk to your doctor at your 3 month review if this doesn’t improve. They may consider adjusting your dosage or type of HRT to ease bloating. 

Our usual caveat, there are pros and cons to taking HRT. We don’t take a view. For further info watch our video all about HRT. It’s for you to decide whether it’s for you or not.

And the good news is….

This is a common perimenopause symptom and once you’ve gone through menopause it should become less troublesome. Simple diet and lifestyle changes are the best self-help strategy you can proactively make yourself, eating a healthy, balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, fibre, and whole foods can help beat the bloat. If you are in search of ideas do check our Diet & Recipe section.

Feeling Bloated during Menopause


Weight Gain in Menopause


Digestion Issues