9 Tips for sleep problems in menopause & perimenopause

First sign of perimenopause

Sleepless nights are one of the first indicators that women’s hormones are shifting as they unwittingly join the mystery train to menopause.

Sleep deprivation in perimenopause can have a knock-on effect, creating a vortex of other symptoms.

Lying awake catastrophising about life’s problems in the wee small hours can make it impossible to get back to sleep. Night sweats make for an uncomfortable situation, especially when the sweats cool and the sheets are sodden. Once you finally drift off, that morning alarm is an unwelcome sound!

As Hippocrates once said, not he’d be quoted for perimenopause, “everything in excess is opposed to nature”. An excessive lack of sleep during menopause can be detrimental to women’s health as their internal chargers are running on low.

We all know we should get more, and better-quality sleep but it's easier said than done. 

To help perimenopausal women sleep better we’ve looked at some long and short-term tips about how to get to sleep and crucially, how to stay asleep.

9 Positive Pause tips to improve sleep in menopause


Sleeping conditions

  • Block out the light! It suppresses the production of the essential sleep hormone, melatonin. Wear an eye mask, and put up blackout curtains or blinds.

  • Keep the bedroom at an average temperature of 18 to 21℃. When a room’s too hot it stops your core temperature from reducing and switching on the ‘sleep mechanism’. It’ll also make those hot flushes feel a whole lot worse.

  • Nightwear for night fever! If sweats are a problem, wear moisture-wicking PJs to keep cool. We like some of the offerings by British brand Fifty One Apparel, a little less granny jammie than other brands. As a rule, look for PJs made from bamboo fabric, it's moisture-wicking and anti-bacterial.

  • Try a calming pillow spray, aromatherapy may help you drift into dreamland.

  • Chill out with a cooling gel-filled pillow. A quick online search will reveal plenty of choices.

  • Like the royal subject of Hans Christian Anderson’s Princess and the Pea, we all need a comfy mattress, it’s the bedrock of good sleep. Maybe time for an upgrade? Or invest in a specialist mattress protector that's both absorbent and helps air to circulate.


Snooze, win or lose?

It’s both. According to NASA research, the optimum length of a power nap is 26 minutes. NASA also found pilots’ efficiency improved by 34% when they took a short nap. Snooze safely in the knowledge that these short naps can have a positive effect on your well-being but don’t be tempted to sleep for longer or you’ll get into a deeper sleep cycle which can impact on getting to sleep at night. Jo here at PP swears by this short nap trick - you’ll be even perkier if you have a coffee just beforehand (so long as the caffeine doesn’t trigger flushes, anxiety or affect sleep later in the day).


Can exercise help with perimenopause sleep?

The Sleep Foundation say that exercise may help reduce insomnia by ‘decreasing arousal, anxiety and depressive symptoms’. Exercise triggers an increase in body temperature and the drop-in temperature post-exercise helps you to fall into a blissful sleep. Maximise the benefits by exercising 5-6 hours before going to bed so that your body is cooling down just as you’re lying down, ready to sleep. For those days when you haven’t exercised do some gentle stretching exercises before bed.


Fibre-rich foods to fuel fabulous sleep?

In a BBC documentary, ‘The Truth About Sleep’, Dr Michael Moseley shared a study that found upping fibre intake improves the quality of sleep and reduces the likelihood of waking up in the night, unlike those who eat diets high in saturated fat and sugar. (Conversely, poor sleep may lead to cravings for these foods, and you’re trapped in a cycle).

Nutritionist, Joy Skipper, says overall, we’re not eating enough fibre. Increasing intake won’t just help with sleep, but prevent heart disease, type 2 diabetes and weight gain. Beans, nuts, oats and fruits such as apples, berries, citrus fruits, and pears are great sources of fibre.

Big meals before bedtime should be avoided, so try not to eat within three hours of going to bed to optimise melatonin and blood sugar levels. 

Check out our recipe section for more ideas.

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Saffron & serotonin for sleepy slumber!

A 2020 trial by Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry, looked at the effects of saffron on sleep quality in adults who reported poor sleep. Herbal medicines are frequently used to help sleep difficulties with limited evidence - this small study tested the sleep-enhancing effects of a standardised saffron extract (saffron), concluding saffron was associated with improvements in sleep quality with no adverse effects reported. Could this golden nectar be your sleep solution?

A fruitful addition to your sleep armoury - Kiwis! They have high levels of antioxidants and serotonin both linked with sleep. A 2009 study by Taiwan Taipei Medical University found that eating two kiwi fruits before bed may help you to fall asleep more quickly, more soundly and for a little longer.

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Magnesium for blissful sleep?

This magnificent mineral has a myriad of benefits for perimenopause, one of which may be to improve sleep quality by supporting the calming neurotransmitters that the brain uses to switch off and go to sleep. Granny knew best! A good handful of Epsom salts, naturally rich in magnesium, sprinkled into a warm night-time bath, can make you feel calm and relaxed as the natural mineral is easily absorbed through the skin. Available at a chemist near you.

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Take note!

If you tend to lie in bed with your mind racing around tomorrow's tasks or going over what you didn’t get done today, set aside time before going to bed to review the day and make plans for the next day. You’ll have the next day’s ‘to do’ list done, acknowledged your worries and be more in the zone for getting some decent shut eye. Worth a try!

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Bedtime routines to help with perimenopause sleep

And so to bed!

  • Disconnect from electronic devices at least 60 minutes before bed to help you wind down. Leave your phone out of the bedroom as that little screen emits sleep-bothering blue light which suppresses the production of the essential sleep hormone, melatonin. Less technology means more of the good stuff, melatonin.

  • We’re creatures of habit. Stick to the same sleep schedule, consistency is good for your body clock.

  • Take a relaxing bath, add a soothing essential oil to bath oil, shower gel or burn in a diffuser.

  • Listen to calming mindful meditation apps like Headspace, Calm, or our favourite Clarity, all training your brain to relax.

  • Limit spicy food, caffeine and alcohol intake to help you to get to sleep and stay asleep.

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The sound of silence

If you’re a light sleeper or sensitive to noise such as your partner’s snoring, wear earplugs or noise cancelling headphones (they may also help to deal with hormone-induced tinnitus). LC-dolida Sleep Headphones are fitted into a lycra headband to block out external noise (or to play your soothing music or ebook). Use the silence to practice calming breathing exercises, mindfulness and relaxation techniques.

Use a body scan - systematically focussing on individual parts of the body, clenching and releasing the muscles. Start with one foot, squeeze it as tightly as possible, let go and feel the sense of relaxation. Move upwards through your body, repeating this action going all the way up and then right down to your other foot. You may have fallen asleep before you get there! 


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