Although the onset of tinnitus in women approaching menopause between 40-60 is associated with hormonal imbalance there may be other causes including reactions to medications, sweeteners, heart disease or hypothyroidism. The biggest question we hear is…

Is there a cure for menopause tinnitus? First and foremost, talk to your doctor to rule out any underlying cause - if it’s menopausal tinnitus what are the treatment options?

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to cope with perimenopause tinnitus

CBT won’t cure tinnitus. It aims to change the way you feel about your tinnitus, to help you cope better. The less you know about the condition the more anxious and depressed you may feel - inadvertently making it worse. Available on the NHS, CBT retrains the way you think about your tinnitus, so that it becomes less of a focus. 

HRT and tinnitus

The relationship between menopause, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and tinnitus is an area that still needs more research. Whilst some women may experience tinnitus when starting HRT for perimenopauses, studies show - tinnitus may be one of the side effects of correcting fluctuating hormone levels with HRT. A 2014 review posted on eHealthMe looked at just under 70,000 women who took an oestrogen-only hormone replacement prescription product - 0.5% reported tinnitus as a side effect.

2017 study published in the North American Menopause Society journal found HRT is associated with a higher risk of hearing loss. Researchers reviewed 80,972 women, finding that users of oral HRT for women who went through menopause at a later age had a level of greater hearing loss.

The usual caveat here, is that HRT is something to be discussed with your doctor. There are pros and cons to taking HRT.

See our blog, Faqs About HRT. We don’t take a view. It’s for you to decide whether it’s right for you, or not.

Natural remedies to help perimenopause tinnitus

A specialist medical herbalist may recommend:

  • Gingko Biloba helps with circulation, particularly cerebral circulation, so may help if your tinnitus is due to circulatory problems

  • B12 Vitamins – B12 deficiency has been linked to Tinnitus

  • Zinc – studies indicate that this can help with age-related tinnitus (not specifically hormone-induced tinnitus).

The natural therapies that may help tinnitus:

Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) take a completely different approach to treating menopause tinnitus, treating it as a circulation, rather than an auditory issue. It looks to the root cause of the problem to provide long-term relief rather than providing a temporary solution..

There are studies to show acupuncture may work and others say it makes no difference. A therapist will look to see if it is intermittent (associated with ‘deficiency’) or sudden onset (an obstruction) and will treat accordingly. 

Aromatherapy, menopause, and tinnitus

Aromatherapy helps with relaxation - so the use of essential oils may lessen the intensity of tinnitus. To date there is no research to back the use of oils as a standalone treatment.

For relaxation, rub 2 to 3 drops of these essential oil onto the ear lobe, on the bone behind the ear and on the neck. Gently massage these oils and inhale deeply as you go. Don’t put essential oils in your ear.

  • Helichrysum Oil may help to reduce inflammation and add a sense of well-being.

  • Lavender Oil has relaxing and sleep-inducing qualities which may help to eliminate the stress and tension of dealing with tinnitus.

  • Cypress Oil stimulates blood circulation and calms the nervous system

Learn more about coping with this symptom in our video Menopause Tinnitus & Hearing Loss.


FAQs about Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)


Diet and nutrition to manage perimenopause periods