Natural treatments and remedies for menopause hot flushes

Natural Treatments for menopause hot flushes

If you are in search of natural relief for your menopause sweating, there are a variety of natural treatments and natural remedies that you might want to check out.

Acupuncture for night sweats and hot flushes

The British Acupuncture Council says small studies have shown acupuncture ‘is at least as effective, and sometimes superior to, ‘hormonal drug treatment’ for hot flushes. Other studies say that any benefits are down to the placebo effect – but you may not care if your acupuncture treatment reduces your hot flushes, but if it works and makes you feel better who’s to knock it!

Homeopathy for menopausal sweating

A homeopathic remedy is created to fit the overall profile of an individual. There isn’t a specific one-stop homeopathic remedy to treat hot flushes although Pulsatilla and Sepia are often prescribed. For detailed info on homeopathic treatments for menopause read our blog.

Can magnets help menopause hot flushes?

Belinda Carlisle, the lead singer of the Go-Go’s, suffered from dreadful hot flushes in her forties. She thinks that wearing a magnet in her knickers did away with her hot flushes, finding relief in her ‘heaven, in a place on earth’! The Royal College of Gynaecology isn’t convinced about their effectiveness. Seems, they may or may not, have a placebo effect, but if it works for you, it works!

Try CBT to change your response to hot sweats

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) helps to change reactions to events. Understanding that the way you think about a hot flush affects your response means that you can re-train yourself so that the response calms your body and mind. A 2012 study published in the journal Menopause, found an impressive 65% of women reported a fall in the number and intensity of their hot flush symptoms after using CBT. Worth considering? 

Natural remedies for hot flushes

natural remedies for hot flushes and menopause sweating

There’s a menopause gold rush with many natural remedies on the market claiming to help your menopause sweating. It’s easy to be tempted by a little bottle of pills promising the end of your hot flush hell. Talk to a medical herbalist who can advise the appropriate dosage and don’t be tempted by cheap online offers. These remedies may contain phytoestrogens or have oestrogen-like properties and shouldn’t be taken if you have hormone-positive breast cancer.

·      Black Cohosh

·      Red Clover

·      Agnus Castus

·      Dong Quai

·      Siberian Ginseng

·      Evening Primrose Oil

Other menopause natural remedies for sweating are not phytoestrogens and are linked with reducing hot flushes:

·      Pine Bark Supplement

·      Folic acid

·      Vitamin C and E

·      Sage supplements

Supplements for menopause sweating

There are specific menopause supplements such as A. Vogel’s Menoforce plus Promensil’s Red Clover Isoflavins. Promensil does a lovely cooling spray specifically developed for tackling hot flushes, night sweats and redness.

Look for products carrying the Traditional Herbal Registration (THR) symbol or product license number which means a product is made to good quality standards with appropriate labelling and a product information leaflet - independent herbalists like G Baldwin & Co have a huge online range, with trained staff who should be able to recommend the best product for you.


Hot Flushes: What to avoid


Diet to help hot flushes