New guidance on menstrual health and menopause in the workplace | Introducing BS30416

New guidance on menstrual health and menopause in the workplace | Introducing BS30416

Menstrual health and menopause both key aspects of women's well-being that can require support in the workplace for women, and for some members of the trans and non-binary communities. Recognising this, and to plug the gap in existing guidance, the British Standards Institution (BSI) has published BS 30416 Menstruation, menstrual health and menopause in the workplace, the game-changing, first-ever standard offering guidance and recommendations to business’ on how these areas can be addressed effectively and appropriately.

What is BS 30416?

It’s an off-the-shelf, ready to use standard for all businesses, regardless of size or sector. It was developed using the expertise of HR, occupational health and health & safety experts, as well as unions, women’s health charities and experts from the menopause arena.

The free downloadable standard provides context, practical actions, toolkits and checklists, and signposts free resources for employees, line managers and organisations around menstrual health and menopause in the workplace.

The guidance which will be regularly reviewed and updated can be picked up by any organisation, irrespective of budget, or size of HR department, to start supporting their workforce.

How can BS30416 support menstrual health and menopause in the workplace?

Supporting employee wellbeing

Menstrual health and menopause can have a significant impact on an employee's physical and emotional well-being. BS 30416 provides guidance on how businesses can support employees during these stages by offering access to appropriate support and resources on menstrual health and menopause. Such support contributes to employee well-being, reduces absenteeism, increases productivity, and fosters job satisfaction. In addressing these needs, businesses create a healthier and more supportive work environment.


Creating a supportive work culture

Addressing menstrual health and menopause in the workplace helps foster a supportive work culture. By implementing the recommendations of BS 30416, businesses can create an environment promoting open communication, understanding, and empathy. Employees will feel more comfortable discussing their needs and asking for support when its needed, leading to increased trust, improved morale, and better overall workplace relationships. This supportive culture positively impacts employee engagement and satisfaction.

Maintaining productivity & performance

When employees' needs are met, and they feel supported and valued, their productivity and performance are likely to improve. BS 30416 provides straightforward guidance on the practical steps businesses can take to support employees experiencing menstrual health issues or menopause symptoms. By providing necessary adjustments, such as introducing more flexible working practices and adaptations to physical environments, businesses can play their part in relieving physical and emotional challenges, enabling employees to manage symptoms more effectively, leading to enhanced focus, reduced stress, and increased productivity.

Promoting Inclusivity and Equality

BS 30416 highlights the importance of inclusivity and equality in the workplace. By considering the unique needs of employees around menstrual health and menopause businesses having mechanisms in place and offering menopause awareness training, can create an environment that values and respects all employees. Support regardless of gender can help men and those who don’t menstruate, to understand and support family, friends, and colleagues who are going through menopause, and also encourage them to be more open about their own health and wellbeing.  

The BSI guidelines can benefit both employees and employers, improving the work environment and culture, boosting job satisfaction and retaining an experienced part of the workforce.  

To encourage change, the standard advocates building awareness for employees and training for line managers and menopause champions through education and training to increase knowledge, break stigmas and move forward.

PositivePause is committed to supporting menopause-friendly workplaces. We work with businesses to help them create an environment that’s safe, inclusive & respectful, raising awareness for all employees so they can confidently talk about menopause.

Our training helps to start vital conversations from the top down, creating a listening culture and empowering people whether for their own experience, as a partner or in supporting a colleague.

Use the button below to tell us more about your business’ needs so we can give you more information.

July 2023


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