Prioritising Heart Health During Menopause | A Vital Step for Employee Well-being

Prioritising Heart Health During Menopause | A Vital Step for Employee Well-being

Did you know there is an increase risk of heart disease in menopause?

World Menopause Day 2023 highlights the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women across the reproductive years.

CVD is the leading cause of female deaths post-menopause in the UK. It is imperative for employers to recognise the heightened risk of heart disease faced by women during the menopausal transition.

CVD is an umbrella term taking in a variety of conditions, from heart attacks to strokes, and the aftermath of these events can be quite challenging. Recovery from a heart attack or stroke can be a long and arduous journey, and it frequently necessitates time away from work. Individuals, grappling with the aftermath of these health crises, often find themselves on extended medical leaves.

Employers, too, feel the impact. When an employee takes an extended leave due to CVD, work-related productivity is inevitably reduced. Employers may need to find temporary replacements or redistribute tasks among existing staff to compensate for the absence. This extra workload can lead to increased stress and decreased morale among the remaining employees, potentially affecting their own productivity.

What is the link between menopause and cardiovascular health?

The decline in oestrogen levels associated with menopause is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Pre-menopause, oestrogen plays a protective role in maintaining healthy blood vessels and managing cholesterol levels. As levels drop, women become more susceptible to risk factors such as high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and weight gain, all of which contribute to CVD.

Here we share strategies for promoting heart health in perimenopausal employees.

How can employer’s promote cardiovascular health in menopause?

Considering the effects on both individuals and employers, businesses can play a role in addressing and potentially preventing the onset of heart disease during menopause by:

  • Raising the profile of the largely unknown link between menopause and heart health using wellbeing days and other awareness-raising events to share the message along with positive strategies to help women make informed lifestyle choices.

  • Promoting regular health screenings that include assessments of blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and other key cardiovascular indicators.

  • Encouraging physical activity by offering wellness programs that include exercise classes, walking challenges, or gym memberships.

  • Implementing stress-reduction initiatives like mindfulness sessions or relaxation workshops to help manage stress, a significant risk factor for CVD.

  • Offering resources and support to employees looking to quit smoking, a habit that greatly increases CVD risk.

  • Promoting work-life balance to reduce chronic stress and support overall well-being.

Employers can play a significant role in supporting the cardiovascular health of menopausal employees, from the larger scale, more costly wellness days and programmes, to the low cost sharing of health information via noticeboards and intranet links, and lunchtime walking group.

Employee Menopause Support: Cardiovascular Health Benefits

Prioritising cardiovascular health among menopausal employees yields several advantages:

  • Healthier Workforce: By highlighting CVD risk factors you can contribute to a healthier and more resilient workforce.

  • Reduced Absenteeism: Improved heart health translates to fewer sick days and increased productivity.

  • Cost Savings: A healthier workforce leads to lower healthcare and sickness pay costs, benefiting both employees and the company.

  • Enhanced Employee Productivity: Menopause support improves overall well-being, reducing absenteeism and boosting work performance.

  • Enhanced Workplace Morale: Employees appreciate a supportive environment, which can improve morale and job satisfaction.

  • Reduced Emplyee Turnover: Providing menopause support can lower turnover rates, saving on recruitment and training costs.

  • Legal Compliance: Supporting employees during menopause aligns with legal obligations, mitigating potential liabilities.

On this World Menopause Day, let's raise awareness about the importance of cardiovascular health during menopause. Implementing supportive measures, employers can help women navigate this phase of life with improved well-being, leading to a more vibrant, productive, and heart-healthy workforce.

October 2023

Positive Pause provide cutting-edge menopause workplace training for employees, line managers and HR. Stay informed and proactive with our programs.


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