Symptoms of cervical cancer after menopause

Can Cervical Cancer Treatment Cause Menopause?

Prevention of cervical cancer is far preferable than the treatment. You may be squeamish about cervical screening but attending your regular smear test may prevent potentially life changing health problems.

Certain cervical cancer treatments can be very difficult to cope with on both a physical and emotional level and if ovaries stop functioning due to cervical cancer treatment it can trigger menopause symptoms.

If menopause happens after cervical cancer treatment, periods stop sooner than they would naturally and you may experience other menopausal symptoms, such as hot flushes and vaginal dryness.

What treatments for cervical cancer can trigger the menopause?

The UK cervical cancer charity Jo’s Trust say the following cervical cancer treatments can cause menopause:

  • Surgery that removes your ovaries, such as a hysterectomy, will immediately trigger the menopause.

  • Pelvic radiotherapy can damage your ovaries, which can sometimes trigger the menopause. If this happens, it is usually about 3 months after treatment starts. 

  • Chemotherapy can affect how the ovaries work. They may stop making eggs, which can trigger the menopause.  

Menopause after pelvic radiotherapy or chemotherapy may last for a short time (temporary) or forever (permanent). This usually depends on your age and the dose of radiation or type of drugs used. 

Recommendations to ‘Reduce your risk’ of cervical cancer

None of us looks forward to a cervical screening test, still referred to by its previous name, ‘smear test’, by women of a certain age. Nevertheless, it’s an essential test to detect abnormal cells on the cervix which can be removed, thus preventing cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is a preventable disease yet 2 women in the UK die from this each day, with a further 9 women being diagnosed each day.

Jo’s Trust say that to reduce our risk, we should:

  • Attend cervical screening when invited

  • Know the symptoms of cervical cancer and seeking medical advice if experiencing any

  • Take up the HPV vaccination if aged 11-18

  • Talk to friends and family to ensure they know how they can reduce their risk

  • Know where to find support and further information

Women between the age of 25-49 are invited to attend a screening test every three years. Women between the age of 50-64 are invited every 5 years. Research funded by Cancer Research in 2014, found that women who hadn’t taken these tests every 5 years, were 6 times more likely to develop cervical cancer later on. Attending 3 tests in 15 years seems a small price to pay for the reassurance that your cervix is healthy and will hopefully remain so.

What are some of the symptoms of cervical cancer after menopause?

  • vaginal bleeding after having sex

  • bleeding at any time, other than your expected period, is considered unusual, including bleeding after menopause

  • change in discharge (colour, texture, smell, increased quantities)

This isn't an exhaustive list. Symptoms of cervical cancer aren’t always obvious. It's essential women don't skip these free tests, hitting menopause, otherwise warning signs will be missed. If you notice any changes, get checked out as soon as possible by your GP or women's health clinic. As Jo’s Trust say, ‘be cervix savvy', these tests could save your life!

For detailed information about cervical cancer risks, causes and support networks, visit Jo’s Trust.

January 2018


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