Diet, nutrition and lifestyle changes to help menopause digestive issues

menopause digestive disorders

Menopause digestive symptoms include acid reflux, heartburn, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, constipation, flatulence and diarrhea, all uncomfortable and potentially embarrassing, so if you can improve them by making changes to your diet then we think it’s well worth the effort.

What foods can improve menopause constipation and digestion?

Phytoestrogens, (plant compounds), mimic the effects of oestrogen, help to balance hormones and can help with digestive issues in menopause. Where to find them?

  • Nuts: almonds in particular work menopausal wonders, cashews and peanuts.

  • Legumes: (chickpeas, lentils, peas), peanuts, alfalfa and wholemeal rice.

  • Seeds: milled linseed, sesame, sunflower, pumpkin.

  • Whole grains, rye, barley and oats, whole wheat, granola, bran and muesli.

  • Soya products: milk, yoghurts, mince, flour, beans, fermented Miso.

  • Fibre prevents constipation. Eat more: whole grains, broccoli, spinach, apples, cauliflower and oats.

  • Omega-3 is a star player in digestion, with anti-inflammatory powers they help promote healthy stomach bacteria and keep cell membranes healthy. Eat more: walnuts, chia and linseeds, egg yolks and SMASH - salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines and herring.


Do oats help with digestive problems?

Probiotic supplements and food are big business, but the BBC’s, ‘Trust Me I’m a Doctor’ programme found a lack of evidence that they have much impact on digestive issues. Instead, they recommended the humble low GI oat - and its fibre content – as a better option to support digestion. Pass the porridge! 

Spice up your digestion

Try Turmeric, an anti-inflammatory, which can soothe the stomach and protect it from acid overload. Add it to cooking, smoothies and salad dressings, (where it’ll give digestive benefits, gorgeous colour and a yummy flavour). Fennel, caraway, cardamom and star anise seeds can also help to deal with digestive issues. Fennel is a bit of an unsung digestive hero; easing wind, stomach pains and bloating, all too common in menopause. Add crushed seeds to sauces, or make tea by adding 2 teaspoons of crushed fennel seeds to boiling water. 

Liquorice cures all sorts

But not everything! Liquorice is good for heartburn and acid reflux. Chew liquorice root – remember it from playground days? (or is that just us!). It can be taken as a supplement, or as a tea made in powder form. The recommended dose is no more than 5 ounces per day, which is about 3 pieces of raw liquorice root or 2-3 cups of liquorice herbal tea.

Chew and Sit

Eating ‘on the go’ uses energy for walking that should be used for digestion, so sit down, chew and enjoy. On the subject of chewing, avoid gum. Hormone fluctuations may also affect the working of the oesophagus causing reflux, as air moves in the wrong direction, resulting in noisy burps!

Stay Regular

Hormone fluctuations can cause constipation in menopause, as well as some of the supplements you might be taking. Hard stools, straining or passing less than three stools in a week may suggest constipation. Up your fibre intake by eating fruit, vegetables and more whole grains. Get practical tips about easing constipation and more, in our vlog with women’s health physiotherapist, Christien Bird.


Probiotics are friendly bacteria that help restore the natural balance of bacteria in your gut. Lactobacillus is good for a healthy gut but do make sure you buy it from a reputable health food supplier to ensure you’re getting the best bacteria content. These friendly bacteria are also found in fermented products - natural yoghurt, miso (fermented soybean paste), sourdough bread and soy drinks. Try sauerkraut, or the new on-trend, gut-friendly fermented foods kimchi, kombucha and Yucatan which could help with menopause symptoms such as bloating, low energy, loss of libido and irritable bowel syndrome. Why not make your own, you can find several suggestions in our recipe section.

Read related article about how fermented foods can improve digestive disorders.

What can you drink to improve digestion in menopause?

What can you drink to improve digestion in menopause?

‘Time for tea’ to help digestive problems

Caffeine-free herbal teas such as peppermint, ginger and camomile help with nausea and soothe your digestive system. Calming fennel tea has antiseptic properties. Where possible use fresh products to make these teas. Chop coarsely, (they’ll be even healthier if you add chopped fresh turmeric) add boiling water and strain. Tasty and full of good stuff. Drink several times a day for maximum benefit.

Make it better with bitters

Bitters are made from seeds, roots and a mix of botanicals, tasting better than they sound! Traditionally used for stomach problems, just add a few drops of a bitter like Angostura to a glass of water to help with flatulence, indigestion and a host of other digestive issues. The bitter taste stimulates digestive juices and sends messages to the brain to get the digestive system working. If you can’t buy bitters locally, look online, flavours to help include; orange, black walnut and plum. Add bitters to tonic water for an almost alcohol-free drink. Usually sold in small bottles, a little goes a long way.


Drink lots of it, straight from the tap and in herbal teas. Water dilutes the acids responsible for indigestion in menopause and helps softens stools. Lack of moisture can lead to pain and constipation. Read more about the benefits of drinking water to improve symptoms of menopause.

What triggers perimenopause digestive disorders?

  • Alcohol, hydrogenated fats, refined carbohydrates, and sugar are on the avoid list due to the cortisol havoc they bring. Cortisol increases gastric acid production leading to acid reflux and can also cause problems with digestion.

  • Caffeine may jump start the bowel into action causing cramps and diarrhoea. If you cut out coffee, you may see an improvement in your symptoms.

Menopause and food intolerances

The wheat in bread and pasta can take its toll on digestion, causing bloating, cramps and flatulence, so eat less or go the whole way and cut it out altogether. If your condition improves there’s some great gluten free alternatives in most supermarkets and health food stores.

What lifestyle changes will help menopause digestive disorders?

Get more active
Movement can help to keep you regular. Alongside a healthy diet It can help to keep your weight in check, so putting less stress on the digestive system. Yoga is particularly helpful to relieve the stress that comes with menopause.

Stay calm and try to manage stress
When you’re stressed you may eat too much, eat too quickly or opt for some of those comforting high carb, refined foods that trigger your digestive problems. Taking steps to manage stress; supplements, exercise, yoga, mindfulness or even HRT, may lower pesky cortisol levels and you may notice an improvement in your menopausal digestive problems.

Identify your triggers
If it’s a persistent problem keep a log, no pun intended, of what you’ve eaten, when you’ve eaten and the stress levels you were experiencing before your specific digestive issue struck. 

Manage your movements

A little tip we learnt from Women's Health Physiotherapist Christien Bird, to help ease our bowel movements, prevent straining, or prolapse, is to prop our feet up so that knees are raised higher than hips. The physiology of our body is still set up to squat behind trees. So, either use a small stool (sorry about the pun!), such as a child's potty training stool, a stack of loo rolls, or, just go glamorous and wear your stiletto’s! There's also the Squatty Potty that's been designed especially to help you out.

For more information on dealing with constipation, watch our video where we discuss menopause and bowel movements.

Is there an App for that?


FoodMaestro has collaborated with King’s College London and Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust to create a new app to help people with IBS whose Registered Dietitian has recommended that they follow a low FODMAP* diet.

A key feature of the new app is the ability to quickly and easily find suitable foods to eat from over 30,000 ingredients and 100,000 products in leading UK supermarkets. The FODMAP by FM app is free to download on IOS and android for 14 days, with a £3.99 annual subscription thereafter.


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