How can nutrition help menopause symptoms?

How can a Registered Nutritional Therapist help menopause symptoms

Registered Nutritional Therapist Charlotte Pickles gives us food for thought.

Charlotte is a Registered Nutritional Therapist based in South Manchester, working with clients on a 1:1 basis to support the development and implementation of personalised nutrition programmes to address a range of needs.

Many women that Charlotte treats enter perimenopause unaware that their changing hormones have a huge impact on their physical and emotional health. By working closely with them she is able to tailor changes in their diet to improve menopausal symptoms.

Charlotte has a particular interest in emotional health and well-being having had a long career within the NHS as an Advanced Health Improvement Specialist, leading on mental health, emotional wellbeing and resilience for staff working with young people in Manchester.

Supporting menopause through nutrition

Charlotte’s interested in the role that food and nutrients have in supporting the mental health of her clients and has seen the direct benefits that dietary change can have on mood and wellbeing, two early indicators that women are entering perimenopause.

Many of Charlotte’s clients wish to support their hormonal health at pivotal times of their lives; in particular adolescence, fertility, pregnancy, perimenopause and menopause. Charlotte supports her clients to understand the underlying causes of their symptoms and address hormonal imbalances by optimising the intake of key nutrients and considering systems of the body that may be under stress.

Charlotte works with testing laboratories, to support a deeper understanding of hormones and to help her to implement a targeted functional nutrition approach to health.

Charlotte Pickles Nutrition BA (Hons), DipNT (CNM), mBANT, CNHC

Find more menopause diet and nutrition advice along with recipe ideas in our Diet & Recipe section.


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